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About Us


A O CMIAID Moldova is a not-for-profit NGO working in Moldova. We are based in Zirnesti in the Cahul Region.


We first began working in Moldova in 2011and since that time we have been able to establish numerous projects aimed at helping the local community.


In 2012 we started renovating what we call the Bethesda Centre in Zirnesti. It a five storey apartment block in the centre of the village that had not been used for over 20 years. It has now been renovated and has become the headquarters of our work in Moldova.


Since then we are glad to have developed many valuable partnerships with local organisations and Moldovan authorities.


A O CMIAID Moldova is funded by Christian people from many countries around the world. This support comes from individuals and churches and usually comes through our partner organisations in Australia and the United Kingdom. We do not receive funding from any government.


You might ask the question, "Why do people support?" The answer is simple. As Christian's God has shown us His love, mercy and kindness. He also commands us to show love, mercy and kindness to others. In the Bible God says, "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto the household of faith". (Galatians 6:10) 



The motto on our logo is, "The love of Christ compels us". This simply means that the driving force behind the work that we do is the love of God.


God, in His love for mankind, sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world to die on the cross for our sins. That is amazing love! He loved us so much!


Through the work that we do we seek to demonstrate the love of God to others.


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